Special education is specialized instruction that is specific to meet the needs of students with disabilities. When a student has been found eligible under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, special education and related services are provided in public schools at no cost to the parent. Special Education comes from IDEA, The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
The State of Arkansas must ensure that all children with disabilities, from three (3) years of age until the end of the school year in which the child turns twenty-one (21) years of age, residing in the State have the right to and availability of FAPE, including children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled from school. For more information click here.
The Magnolia School District provides specially designed instruction and support to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. This includes adapting as necessary to meet the appropriate needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the student's unique needs, and ensuring access of the child to the general curriculum.
Parent Rights
When a child is referred for Special Education and annually thereafter, parents are provided a link to or a paper copy of their Procedural Safeguards or "Parent's Rights” . Below are links to the English and Spanish versions of those rights.
Parents Rights - English
Parents Rights - Spanish
Section 504
Section 504 covers qualified students with disabilities who attend schools receiving Federal financial assistance. To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to: (1) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) have a record of such an impairment, or (3) be regarded as having such an impairment. Section 504 requires that school districts provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to qualified students in their jurisdictions who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
East Side Elementary School 504 Designee: Judy Barham: (870) 234-3511
Central Elementary School 504 Designee: Carissa Owen: (870)234-4911
Magnolia Middle School 504 Designee: Brandi Young: (870) 725-2206
Magnolia High School 504 Coordinator: Mary Heinze: 9870)234-2610
Magnolia School District 504 Coordinator: Kristal McDonald: (870)234-7651
Child Find
The Magnolia School District along with the South Central Services Cooperative offers Child Find screening to locate, identify, and evaluate all children who may have a disability. If you know a child who has a disability or a child you suspect may have difficulty with learning, communication, vision, hearing, behavior, or motor control and coordination, please contact your child’s teacher, counselor, administrator, or special education department at the Magnolia School District.
The Magnolia School District and the South Central Services Cooperative screen and evaluate children from ages 3 through 21. All Child Find referrals are considered confidential and services are provided at no cost to the family.
Contact Arkansas First Connections (1-800-643-8258) for assistance with children ages birth to 3 who may have disabilities. First Connections is the Arkansas Early Intervention Program for evaluation and services.
For more information concerning Child Find screening, contact the principal or counselor of your local school or call Kristal McDonald at (870)234-7651.
Special Education
Eligibility Categories
Kristal McDonald
LEA Supervisor
Judy Barham
Transition to School Age Specialist
Julie Eddy
Educational Examiner
Roxie Waller
Educational Examiner